The Quest for the Perfect Productivity Workflow

I've always been on a mission: to discover the ultimate productivity system. Have I found what I'm looking for in Logseq?

The Quest for the Perfect Productivity Workflow
Photo by Justin Morgan / Unsplash

I've always been on a mission: to discover the ultimate productivity system. My journey has seen more YouTube videos than I care to admit, endless hours of tweaking Notion templates, diving into the depths of Apple Notes' smart folders, toying with countless to-do list apps, and experimenting with pomodoro trackers.

But despite all these tools, a sustainable, long-term workflow always seemed to elude me. I often found myself lost amidst scattered action items or allocating chunks of my day just to manage notes and tasks. Did I remember to transfer all those actions from my meeting notes to their respective projects? Inevitably, the answer was no.

Discovering Logseq

Logseq and Obsidian caught my eye on a few YouTube channels. Initially, from the snippets I saw, I was skeptical if they'd mesh with my working style. But then I stumbled upon something in Logseq that I hadn't anticipated: its vibrant plugin ecosystem. Discovering plugins that tackled what I saw as the most cumbersome parts of my workflow was a revelation. And now? Logseq has piqued my interest in ways I hadn't imagined.

Early Impressions

After a couple of weeks with Logseq, I'm liking it. I'm still figuring things out, watching some videos, and tweaking my setup. What's great is how easy it is to change things up. This flexibility in designing my workflow is awesome, but it's also a bit of a double-edged sword.

I've set some basic rules for myself: what becomes a page, what's tagged, how I use references, and so on. These rules change as I learn more, but one thing's clear: it's great to jot down quick notes during meetings and keep them organized without needing a big clean-up every evening.


For developers who are cautious about cloud-based platforms, or for those engaged in projects with stringent data storage policies, I genuinely think this tool is a perfect fit for you.

At its core, Logseq operates on a "local-first" principle. This means your data is predominantly stored on your own device, making cloud storage a secondary option, not a default. What I particularly appreciate is the flexibility to manage multiple journals in private git repositories. This allows me to seamlessly transition between work and personal journals without the constant anxiety of a third party potentially misusing my data. However, it's worth noting that if your git hosting service is cloud-based, it's something you might still want to weigh in on.

What's Next?

I'll keep refining my setup:

  • Regular check-ins: Is this tool still serving me or holding me back?
  • Chatting with other users: The Logseq community has been a big help.
  • Being smart with plugins: Only adding what I really need.

If you're also searching for the right tool, remember: the best system is the one that gets out of your way and lets you work.